Contains a complete list of tax forms and more available to download directly from the site. Provides tax resources, software, tips and information for businesses, organizations and individuals.
Download various federal tax forms, find answers to FAQ's or use their tax calculator.
Mandatory Health Insurance - The Massachusetts legislators have passed mandatory health insurance. Every citizen of the Commonwealth is required to have health insurance effective July 1, 2007. Employers with 11 or more employees must provide access to Health Insurance with, at a minimum, access to a Section 125 plan. Employers who do not provide access will be subject to a per employee assessment of $295 in 2007, which will escalate in the future.
In addition, those citizens who do not have health insurance will lose their personal exemption in 2007, a penalty which will also escalate in the future.
Contains a complete list of tax forms, Regulations, Directives and Letter Rulings. Provides tax resources, software, tips and information for businesses, organizations and individuals. Considered one of the best State Tax websites in the country.